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Radiological Crime Scene Management - An Implementing Guide

A new IAEA Publication

Radiological crime scene management is the process used to ensure safe, secure, effective and efficient operations at a crime scene where nuclear or other radioactive materials are known, or suspected, to be present. Managing a radiological crime scene is a key part of responding to a nuclear security event. Evidence collection at radiological crime scenes may share a wide range of characteristics with that at conventional crime scenes, such as evidence search patterns, geographical scene modelling and evidence recording, whether or not explosives are involved.

This topic is addressed by the recently published “Implementing Guide on Radiological Crime Scene Management” of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which has been produced with the support of the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Programme of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).

This publication aims to provide law enforcement officials, national policy makers, decision makers, local authorities and technical support personnel with guidance on the framework and functional elements for managing a radiological crime scene that are distinct from any other crime scenes. Such guidance may then be adopted or adapted to meet the needs of the various jurisdictions and competent authorities within each Member State.

The publication is available on the IAEA website: