Within the framework of the EU CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative, UNICRI is responsible for the overall administration and monitoring of the implementation of the first 19 CBRN CoE projects. These projects focus on the provision of training and equipment, knowledge development, special and technical support and awareness-raising through interested partner countries, at national, regional and international level.
Starting in January 2013 and for a period of 24 months, a number consortia led by non-profit national and international organizations commenced the implementation of the projects, which are valued at 13 million euro.
For additional information on the particular objectives, activities, participating countries and points of contact for the first 19 CBRN CoE projects, refer to the below downloadable fact sheets. This information has been updated as of March 2014.
From Call to Proposals to Project Implementation
On 1 February 2012, UNICRI opened an international call for proposals, inviting national and international organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of the first 19 CBRN CoE projects. The selection process resulted in the signature of a grant agreement to between UNICRI and selected applicants. This process is detailed in the CBRN CoE Projects 1 - 19 Grant Scheme which can be downloaded below.
Monitoring the implementation of the 19 Actions
Between January and March 2014, and as part of the strategy for the monitoring of the projects, UNICRI invited the National Focal Points of the countries participating in the projects to share their views about the design and implementation process of the Projects 1 to 19, in order to identify ways to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. The compilation of the feedback provided by the National Focal Points is presented in the report, which can be downloaded below.