The President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
at the inaugural ceremony of the Masters
organized by UNICRI and the University of Turin
The inaugural ceremony of the Masters in International Organisations, International Criminal Law and Crime Prevention took place today at the University of Turin. The Masters is jointly organised by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute - UNICRI - and the Faculty of Law of the University of Turin.
The Dean of the University of Turin, Professor Ezio Pelizzetti; the Director of UNICRI, Dr. Sandro Calvani and the scientific coordinators of the Masters, Professors Edoardo Greppi and Roberto Rivello, participated in the inaugural address. The guest of honour was Professor Fausto Pocar, President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), The Hague.
The Masters will witness the participation of students coming from various countries of Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe. This is testimony to the quality of education on offer by Turin. The education provided will contribute ever more to the internationalisation of Turin, this thanks also to the support of important companies from the private sector. During the course of the inaugural conference, the various scholarships granted by the representatives of the San Paolo Company and the Council of the Order of Lawyers of Turin have been assigned.
According to the Director of UNICRI, Sandro Calvani, a great number of applications for the Masters were received from all over the world, indicating the wish of young people to prepare in order to be able to contribute to the great challenges of this Millennium. The response which Turin is giving to this indication, along with ourselves, is crucial: without a generation that have the know how to find the solutions to complex situations we are destined to lose a great many challenges both now and in the future.