Round table
Pallazzo dell’’UNICEF
Conference room – 68 Via Palestro
10.30 – 13.30
On the 26th June, the date on which we celebrate the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking, the Italian Federation of Communities dealing with treatment of drug abuse (FICT) is holding a round-table entitled: Education, Prevention and Cure: reaching a shared strategy’, which will be presented by the Hon. Carlo Giovanardi, Government Under-Secretary for Drugs, Family and the Civil Service Presidenza del Consiglio.
The FICT, which operates across Italy in close contact with young people, families and schools to promote the treatment of drug abuse, feels the need, today more than ever, to confront the complexities of the problems. They also feel that the solutions which are being offered in this field, especially in education, are often equivocal and have provoked the diffusion of attitudes of dependence, violence and marginalization.
FICT considers necessary to prioritise the problem of education, and to involve both public and private sectors which work with youths, but not only.
FICT invited the partners of the Educative Laboratory and the SFP project (Family Support Programme). The round-table will focus on the exchange of technical experience on the role of information and on the network of social services available. It will also address new forms of dependence and consumption as well as the role of sport and employment as instruments of prevention and for the promotion of well-being.
The event will see the participation of: Hon. Carlo Giovanardi, Under-Secretary of State for Drugs, Family and the Civil Service presidenza del Consiglio; Father Mimmo Battaglia, President of FICT; Mr. Franco Taverna of the Exodus Foundation; Ms. Paola Vacchina, national Vice-president of ACLI, Mr. Michele Marchetti CSI Italian Sport Centre, Mr. Sandro Calvani, Director of UNICRI, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute; Mr. Riccardo Turrini Vita, Director General of the Direzione generale dell’esecuzione penale esterna, Mr. Andrea LondonoOsorio Embassy of Colombia - Communication project “Life without drugs”.
During the round-table, Mr. Sandro Calvani, Director of UNICRI, will read a message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon.
For further information, please contact:
FICT Communications Office (Elisabetta Piccioni) – tel. 06.66166668 – cell. 339.2818398 – e-mail: ; UNICRI Public Information Department (Marina Mazzini) - tel: 011 6537114 – cell. 3474809463 – email: