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Strengthening Regional Cooperation on Major Event Security

IPO Americas - Regional Seminar

Cartagena de Indias -

UNICRI has convened, in cooperation with the Spanish Ministry of Interior and the Anti-Terrorism Committee (CICTE) of the Organization of the American States (OAS), a Regional Seminar in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, from the 12th to the 16th May, focused on  ”Strengthening Regional Cooperation on Major Event Security”.

The event has been attended by representatives from all Latin American countries and the Caribbean, bringing together, for the first time, the National Focal Points on Major Events Security (or IPO NFPs) that Latin American countries have appointed to facilitate international cooperation in preparation of major events within the Americas. 

IPO Americas is a regional initiative implemented by UNICRI in cooperation with the CICTE Secretariat with the aim of developing mechanisms to facilitate the exchange of experience and best practice on different aspects of security planning within the Americas context. The initiative also seeks to import knowledge and effective cooperation models from around the world. IPO Americas falls within the framework of UNICRI’s Programme ‘International Permanent Observatory on Security Measures during Major Events (IPO)’.

to read more about the Seminar...