The Police Division of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), organized this month in Stockholm a two-day meeting of the International Policy Advisory Council (IPAC), gathering Police and Law enforcement experts to discuss the increasing threat posed by criminal organisations in those countries where UN Peacekeeping missions are operating.
The conference highlighted the fundamental role of UN peacekeepers already committed to tackle organized crime in post-conflict scenarios, and the necessity to operate as a network in order to fight back criminal networks.
UNICRI Director, Mr. Sandro Calvani, restated the strong commitment of the Turin based UN Research Institute to contribute to the fight on crime in crisis areas.
He stressed the importance to promote, through action-oriented analysis and innovative training models, the development of common standards of international policing, and the need for the international community to develop most effective ways to ensure a prompt recovery of national security systems following the implementation of peace-keeping operations.
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