The opening ceremony of the National School on Addiction took place on January 19th, 2012 at the Italian Superior School of Public Administration (SSPA) in Rome.
The National School on Addiction, located in Rome, has been jointly created by UNICRI and the Italian Government and is managed by the Superior School of Public Administration in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education University and Research, and the Ministry of the Interior.
The National School on Addiction - multidisciplinary Training programme on addictions - is a school of higher education in the field of addictions and is accredited to the Department for Antidrug Policies to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
The School aims at proposing new models and inputs, offering a course of studies oriented towards a multidisciplinary approach, and focusing on the sharing of scientific and technical knowledge related to the functioning of the National and Regional Health system in preventing and treating drug addictions.
The implementation of the School's educational programmes offering the most advanced scientific knowledge in all the different sectors, in addition to the general awareness of current laws and law enforcement operations, comes from the need to uniform and re orient, at National level, general action strategies, protocols and procedures in the field of prevention and control of addictions.
The goal is to train a new generation of specialized professionals active in this specific field. This initiative will generate a process of reconversion and technical and cultural update, which should upthrust innovation throughout the Italian system.