Note by the Secretary-General
The attached report of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute contains information on activities undertaken by the Institute and was prepared pursuant to a decision of the Board taken at its meeting held on 13-14 November 2014 to report to the Economic and Social Council, through the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, on the work of the Institute, in accordance with the statute of the Institute (Council resolution 1989/56, annex).
Structure of the Report
The Report describes UNICRI major activities and is structured as follows:
I. Countering the threat of organized crime to security and development
- Counterfeiting: combating organized crime and illicit proceeds of crime
- Countering the involvement of organized criminal groups in cybercrime
- Countering environmental crime
- Countering the involvement of organized criminal groups in licit markets: precious metals and gemstones
- Nexus between organized crime, international terrorism and development
II. Increasing the efficiency of criminal justice systems and protection of vulnerable groups
- Enhancing capacity in juvenile justice
- Reducing vulnerabilities
- Countering gender-based violence
- Promoting crime prevention and security in urban settings
III. Promoting international criminal law and practice
- Maritime piracy
- Transferring the knowledge and practices of international criminal tribunals
IV. Sharing best practices, building capacity to promote human rights and improving access to evidence-based research
- Promoting fundamental rights and citizenship
- Establishing a platform to provide access to evidence-based research
- Research and dissemination of best practices to promote healthy lifestyles and counter addiction
V. Security governance and countering violent extremism
- Enhancing security at major events
- Countering the appeal of terrorism: rehabilitation of violent extremists
- Mitigating the risks posed by trafficking and criminal use of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials
- Public-private initiatives
VI. Training and advanced education: building capacity in crime prevention and criminal justice
- Postgraduate education
- UNICRI Journalism and Public Information Programme on New Threats
- Documentation Centre
VII. Management of the Institute
- High level of programme delivery and cost-effective management
- Approval of the budget for the 2014-2015 biennium, and budget proposal and priorities for 2015 prepared in a result-based format
- New initiatives and partnerships