On the occasion of the European Cyber Security Month, the National Security Cabinet of Portugal hosted a series of workshops and events in Lisbon on 6 - 10 October.
The 2014 edition of the Summer School on Human Rights, jointly organized by UNICRI with the John Cabot University in Rome, Italy, successfully concluded its first week of activities.
Pilot Training Courses on Investigating and Reporting Racism, Hate Crime and Hate speech online
The North West Migrant Forum, in collaboration with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), will be d
The Opening Ceremony of the International Criminal Law Defence Seminar was held on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at the Foundation of the Turin Bar Association (Fondazione dell’Avvocatura Torinese Fulvio Croce) in Turin.
The Seminar, organized in cooperation with the Office of the Public Counsel for the Defence of the International Criminal Court, presents a unique opportunity for lawyers interested in the practice of international criminal law whether in national
Sharing of good practices between cities around the world on preventing crime and violence and contribute to sustainable urban development
20 - 21 May 2013, Turin (Italy)
The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) with the support of the Turin Bar Association and the International Association of Lawyers (Union Internationale des Avocats - UIA), have hosted in Turin the forth edit
The Opening Ceremony of the Master of Laws in International Crime and Justice will take place in Turin on Monday 28 January 2013. Representatives of local authorities, the University of Turin and the Turin Bar Association will participate.
UNICRI has a long standing record in research, training and technical assistance projects aimed at promoting social justice in the attainment of human development.
The Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Transnational Crime and Justice is designed for young professionals and university graduates wishing to specialize in the fields of comparative criminal law, humanitarian law, human rights law, transnational c
Another regional project aimed at enhancing chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) safety and security in the SEEE region has been successfully completed. The project 67 (P67) entitled “Strengthening CBRN waste management capabilities in South-East and Eastern European countries” was funded by the European Union (EU) within the framework of the CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative (EU CBRN CoE).
UNICRI held a virtual pre-course on Radiation and Nuclear (RN) Security Fundamentals for experts responsible for countering radiological and nuclear trafficking in the Republic of the Philippines, from 13 to 15 September 2022.
Hate speech is a growing phenomenon across the world. As a manifestation of intolerance and hatred towards certain groups in society, hate speech is intertwined with hate crimes and discrimination, representing a threat to sustainable peace and social cohesion.
The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) held a five-day train-the-trainers session on intelligence-led operations to prevent and combat radiological and nuclear (RN) trafficking in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia, from 25 to 29 July 2022.
The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) hosted a training activity on intelligence-led operations to prevent and combat radiological and nuclear (RN) trafficking in Vientiane, capital of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic from 1 to 5 August 2022.
Ten nuclear security practitioners who were nominated by the government to undergo the various phases of the CONTACT training process benefitted from the five-day national train-the-trainer session.
Experts in law, philosophy and computer science took part in the “Workshop on Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Law Enforcement” jointly organized by UNICRI’s Centre for AI and Robotics and the Institute for Ethics in AI of the University of Oxford (UK). The workshop consisted of a series of round-table discussions where participants debated different topics related to the challenges and opportunities of AI in law enforcement.
Pre-course on Radiation and Nuclear Security Fundamentals
On 17-19 May 2022, UNICRI held the first, hybrid “Pre-course on Radiation and Nuclear (RN) Security Fundamentals” with the participation of experts in charge of countering radiological and nuclear trafficking in the Kingdom of Cambodia and in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR).
The purpose of the Guidebook is to provide police and civil prosecutors, and relevant investigative agencies, with guidance to support the successful prosecution of incidents involving the deliberate use of a chemical or biological agents.