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IRISEM - Organizations against Trafficking and CSEC


UNICRI has developed and is periodically updating the International Repository of Institutions against Sexual Exploitation of Minors (IRISEM), a database containing the most relevant institutions / organizations committed to contrast, reduce and prevent trafficking and sexual exploitation of minors around the world.

You will find:

  • Name and acronym
  • Category, explaining the status of the institution / organization (NGO, NGO Coalition, Intergovernmental Organization, Research Centre, Program, Forum, Association, Network, Website)
  • Website and website languages
  • Postal Address and contacts details - phone, fax number and e-mail of the Headquarters. "Other contacts" indicates contact details of other relevant offices (e.g. regional offices or affiliated institutions / organizations)
  • HQ (Headquarters)
    RO (Regional Offices)
    FO (Field Offices)
  • Description, giving details about the institution / organization's name, origins, affiliation, objectives / mission and field of activities
PLEASE NOTE: All of the information was provided through direct contacts and/or websites of the institutions / organizations (the description in quotation refers to what is written in the website of the institution / organization). UNICRI does not consider IRISEM exhaustive and complete, but an open and "ongoing" source of information. Thus, institutions / organizations responding to the criteria indicated above and not included in the repository are welcome. If you wish, you can submit all the relevant information to the following e-mail address:

UNICRI does not take responsibility on the content's reliability of the institutions / organizations' websites. Hyperlinks to and from our site do not represent an endorsement of the content of these sites. Any change and updating brought to our attention will be inserted.