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A spotlight on the terrorist profile(s), incitement techniques, vulnerable targets and potential impact of COVID-19.


Our society continues to be confronted with an unprecedented level of diversified, constantly evolving risks and threats to international peace and security as well as to economic development and financial integrity. The outbreak of COVID-19 has clearly, dramatically, exacerbated existing vulnerabilities.

Organised crime produces significant amounts of illicit revenue and proceeds globally. Ukraine has implemented numerous measures to combat corruption, organised crime and IFFs in the country, providing a positive example for the region. Despite this progress, Ukraine still deals with active criminal networks inside and outside the country and remains a transit country for traffickers and launderers.

Combating organised crime and Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs), and recovering illicitly-obtained assets, requires multiple policy areas and transnational cooperation.

Azerbaijan’s strategic position is particularly attractive to organised criminal groups motivated to carry out smuggling operations and other illicit activity.

Azerbaijan’s crime areas of priority concern include drug trafficking, human trafficking and migrant smuggling, and the smuggling of counterfeit goods.

Organised crime produces significant amounts of illicit revenue and proceeds globally and in Europe. Georgia has implemented impressive reform measures to combat corruption, organised crime and Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) in the country, providing a positive example for the region. Despite this progress, Georgia still deals with certain criminality inside the country.

Les victimes engendrées par la violence armée au Mali ont été multipliées par quatre entre 2016 et 2019, et les jeunes sont parmi les plus touchés par la situation. Bien que de nombreuses initiatives aient été lancées pour prévenir et lutter contre l’extrémisme violent au Mali, il reste un manque de compréhension autour de l’interaction des facteurs qui conduisent les personnes –en particulier les jeunes– à soutenir l’extrémisme violent.

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